Lele Pons Was Never Funny Vine Tom Harlock

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Apr 15, 2016 rated it did not like it
First sentence?
"I wasn't always sexy, cool and popular".

Aaaaand I'm out. Byyeeeee.

First sentence?
"I wasn't always sexy, cool and popular".

Aaaaand I'm out. Byyeeeee.

Feb 07, 2017 rated it did not like it
If you are ever thinking about picking this up: don't. If you are ever thinking about picking this up: don't. ...more
May 06, 2016 rated it did not like it
Review also appeared on my blog: Book Addict 24-7

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

I remember seeing Surviving High School by Lele Pons and Melissa de la Cruz at the bookstore I work at and being excited because it looked like a fun and quirky read. Well, I finally got my hands on a copy and the book is definitely quirky, but in no way fun.

At first, I wanted to give this book the benefit of the doubt. I know, from my limited knowledge of her videos, that Pons is an awkward comi

Review also appeared on my blog: Book Addict 24-7

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

I remember seeing Surviving High School by Lele Pons and Melissa de la Cruz at the bookstore I work at and being excited because it looked like a fun and quirky read. Well, I finally got my hands on a copy and the book is definitely quirky, but in no way fun.

At first, I wanted to give this book the benefit of the doubt. I know, from my limited knowledge of her videos, that Pons is an awkward comic who puts herself in certain situations for a laugh. This translated strangely into her novel, but rather than being endearing and comedic, it was just plain awkward and frustrating.

The first thing I want to focus on is the protagonist herself, who is also named Lele. When the first line comments on her physical appeal, I thought that she was being ironic or obviously joking, but as the novel continues and fails to change all the way through to the end, I realized that maybe, just maybe (and I mean 99.9 %) this character is completely full of herself. Instead of appearing quirky, the character acts completely conceited before she's famous and even more so afterwards.

You might say, "But Dayla, that's part of the character growth!" But here's the bit that I just can't believe: there is basically no character growth, whatsoever. The only way we can distinguish any change is by Lele mentioning that she's the 2.0-9.0 version of herself, but honestly? She's just as conceited and immature at the end as she is at the beginning.

The immature nature of this novel only brings to focus the attempts at humour. Lele (The character) prides herself on being different and weird and acts accordingly, but instead of seeing someone adorable or charming, I saw someone who was trying way too hard to be funny. I honestly couldn't understand how her crush didn't react more realistically to her random outbursts. I also don't honestly understand how someone like this character can become so popular--but hey, fame, right?

The side characters were treated as just that--sides. We barely get any information regarding Lele's friends, other than that one is hot, foreign, and has a little sister, and the other is black, smart, and sassy. This is truly a one-girl show. Her so-called rival is someone who is explained away using Latino stereotypes and petty jealousy, while the other girls are shown to be self-centered, sex-obsessed, rich girls. Don't even get me started on the amount of shit Lele got away with when it came to her parents. At the risk of countering a point I just made, I will pull from my own experiences as a Latina: I find it interesting that the common stereotype of us liking Reggaeton is introduced, but not that of strict parents. If I did half the stuff this girl does at her age, my parents would have had me locked up for life. It's just so unrealistic and strange.

One of my main concerns with this novel is that it has no apparent storyline. Events happen, but what are they leading towards? Yes, she gets a bunch of followers, but what is actually happening? Where is this going? There is no real character growth, there is a barely there climax, and there's laughable conflicts. Even the romance is lackluster. The whole story felt like it lost steam before it began and was just a series of "then this happened, then this happened, etc." Each chapter read like a Vine: a few pages of randomness that struggled to be cohesive. I know that this book is introduced as a fictional memoir, but holy hell, even those have basic storylines--especially because it's fiction.

Surviving High School is a very quick read, but mainly because I spent most of my time scanning the pages. I was so bored at one point and frustrated that I just wanted it to end.

Everyone has different interests and should read whatever the hell they want, but I strongly recommend either reading the first few pages at the bookstore before you buy it, or borrow it from the library. This is an expensive book with very little story told from the perspective of an entitled and self-centered teenager.

Happy reading!

Mar 28, 2016 rated it did not like it
DNFed at 20%.

Oh God. This book is actually horrific. It's been a while since a book offended me as much as this (look at whatever is on my DNF shelf). I genuinely thought this was going to be a cute, fun, quick, summer read. I mostly wanted to read it because of Melissa de la Cruz, because I've never actually heard of Lele Pons (and I REALLY hope Surviving High School IS just a fictionalised memoir, because Lele does not come across well).

The fictional Lele is one of the most big-headed, weird

DNFed at 20%.

Oh God. This book is actually horrific. It's been a while since a book offended me as much as this (look at whatever is on my DNF shelf). I genuinely thought this was going to be a cute, fun, quick, summer read. I mostly wanted to read it because of Melissa de la Cruz, because I've never actually heard of Lele Pons (and I REALLY hope Surviving High School IS just a fictionalised memoir, because Lele does not come across well).

The fictional Lele is one of the most big-headed, weird people I've ever met. She talks in nothing but pop culture (it's like the Breakfast Club/I'm so "pwning" this day/any kind of twenty-first century pop culture you can think of is thrown in, including The Weeknd's Can't Feel My Face (and she loves it)). If you did a shot for every pop culture reference you'd be drunk SUPER QUICK. I only read a fifth of the book and the pop culture was everywhere.

Lele just does not come across well. I stopped reading when she started going on about how Alexei (who she's known for about three days) hadn't asked her out, because she was "pretty but not pretty enough". I legitimately hate girls who say stuff like that. It's my biggest pet peeve, because all you need to do is google Lele to know she's absolutely gorgeous, and maybe you'll come back and say to me that she didn't always look like that, but I doubt in her first year of high school she was a hag. Braces do not suddenly make you ugly, OK? For me that was my breaking point. I was just like, "Nope I can't do this."

The voice was just all over the place. The need to input so much pop culture - which means that this book will age super fast. The fact that Lele is just wow so full of herself, then in the next breath she's not "pretty enough" is enough to give you whiplash. It was just so inconsistent. Her parents were super chill, super cool, hip and happening, etc, but then she was like screaming at them about a party? And she had a bad day and just started literally screaming in school. WHO DOES THAT? This was just so bad. I have no idea what input Melissa de la Cruz had because she's a far superior writer to the tiny bit I read here. It was like a five year old's stream of conscious was just let loose, with no filter.

Just nope.

Sep 26, 2019 rated it did not like it
this is the worst book I have ever read.
Lucy Powrie
Ugh. Absolutely awful. I had to DNF this because the voice was way too annoying for my liking and, whilst I loved the idea of it, it wasn't executed well. Very disappointing! Ugh. Absolutely awful. I had to DNF this because the voice was way too annoying for my liking and, whilst I loved the idea of it, it wasn't executed well. Very disappointing! ...more
Mar 28, 2017 rated it did not like it
Surviving High School
272 pages (of pure suckage!)

LeLe (pronounced Leh-Leh) Pons is a famous Vines girl. She apparently became very popular due to her videos. I searched her videos on YouTube as Vines is no longer in existence and I watched some of her videos to get to know the girl behind this book. What can I say??? Her YouTube videos stink and her book completely sucks!! It was just plain stupid. What is supposed to be her HS experience....is so clearly overly exaggerated and again...stupid.

Surviving High School
272 pages (of pure suckage!)

LeLe (pronounced Leh-Leh) Pons is a famous Vines girl. She apparently became very popular due to her videos. I searched her videos on YouTube as Vines is no longer in existence and I watched some of her videos to get to know the girl behind this book. What can I say??? Her YouTube videos stink and her book completely sucks!! It was just plain stupid. What is supposed to be her HS experience....is so clearly overly exaggerated and again...stupid. I forced myself to continue reading this book although my eyes and brains were begging me to toss the book in the garbage. Please....if you haven't read the book...save yourself the time & pick up another book. I don't recommend it at all!!!!!

Claude's Bookzone
Wow. I can't even...ummm...just wow. Wow. I can't even...ummm...just wow. ...more
Aliya J
May 31, 2016 rated it did not like it
Oh how awful can a book actually be? This book is one of the absolute worst books I have ever read in my entire life. Oh dear lord. Compared to a lot of other reviews I've read, I'm one of the few who knew who Lele Pons was prior to actually reading this so-called book. And I was a huge fan, Lele Pons was my hands-down favorite viner I've come across. Her vines are hilarious and just incredible. So naturally when I found out about this book I got really excited, an entire book written by my favo Oh how awful can a book actually be? This book is one of the absolute worst books I have ever read in my entire life. Oh dear lord. Compared to a lot of other reviews I've read, I'm one of the few who knew who Lele Pons was prior to actually reading this so-called book. And I was a huge fan, Lele Pons was my hands-down favorite viner I've come across. Her vines are hilarious and just incredible. So naturally when I found out about this book I got really excited, an entire book written by my favorite viner, what could go wrong with that? Oh many things... So many things...

I don't even know where to begin with this piece of trash that is allegedly a book. One of the worst things an author can do is make the main character unlikable and just plain old agitating and annoying. And that's exactly what Melissa de la Cruz and Lele Pons manage to do. The fictional Lele is one of the worst characters I've ever read in a book! Oh the ego on this girl!! It's almost unbearable! I nearly had to put down the book several times just because of how rude, egotistical, annoying, narcissistic Lele is! Some of the stuff she does and thinks and says is just appalling! When she kept calling herself sexy and pretty and famous, I just wanted to throw my book across my room and go "nope". Like does the concept of being humble not understood to Lele? Honestly is it not? I would think that it wasn't after reading this.

Fictional Lele came off to me as just a horrible person. The Lele on vine seems like a fun, likable person who I'd love to be friends with. But after reading this I wouldn't want to be near even the real Lele with a 10 foot pole.

After reading about half of the book, I wanted to watch some Lele Pons vines, to drown out the horrible Lele I've been suffering through reading about. But I found when I was reading that Lele's vines weren't as funny or good. This book ruined one of my favorite entertainers for me, that alone is a crime.

Another crime in this book is the dialogue. Oh the dialogue!! It is hands-down the worst dialogue I've ever had to read! I am a huge dialogue person, I love dialogue especially when it is clever and smart and funny. But with this book, the dialogue could've been better written by cavemen. It's that bad. The dialogue between characters was so awkward and uncomfortable I felt like I was reading about those stupid awkward middle school plays where the kids can't act.

Surviving High School has ruined Lele Pons for me, it's boring, dull, annoying, has a horrible main character and horrendous dialogue. I also had to force myself to read this book, each chapter was an accomplishment. That's a problem that I feel like I did something impossible by just finishing a simple chapter in a book. I honestly regret ever buying this book. Do yourself a favor and do not read this book under any circumstances.

I had to force myself to read this book (why I did, I don't know honestly).

Sep 27, 2019 rated it did not like it
tried to read this as a joke, but god, this is beyond ghastly

mind my language, but this isn't a book; it is the aftermath of the author having a massive jerk-off on how perfect she believes she is because she's popular on a dead social media platform (lmao)... juvenile juvenile juvenile

LIKE.... at one point the protagonist (who is 'based' off lele pons and is even NAMED lele (but it's not autobiographical!!!! she'll remind you this multiple times !!!!)) sets her 'friends' test on literal fire

tried to read this as a joke, but god, this is beyond ghastly

mind my language, but this isn't a book; it is the aftermath of the author having a massive jerk-off on how perfect she believes she is because she's popular on a dead social media platform (lmao)... juvenile juvenile juvenile

LIKE.... at one point the protagonist (who is 'based' off lele pons and is even NAMED lele (but it's not autobiographical!!!! she'll remind you this multiple times !!!!)) sets her 'friends' test on literal fire because she got an a grade and lele only got a d. it would've been HILARIOUS, if author!lele had followed this up with a literal SHRED of remorse, but alas...she actually thought she was within reason and thought that because she was 'popular' (with a bunch of ten year olds online) she could get away with that with no consequences. turns out though, there ARE no consequences for story!lele which..... isn't that a GREAT message to send to her younger audience, who would probably pick this up out of general curiosity. ANYWAY...

i would recommend to read this for shits and gigs, but honestly, the writing is so fucking awful, i had to take a nurophen to calm the raging headache this self-wank provoked

Sep 23, 2019 rated it did not like it
As a school librarian, I often flick through new books we receive. I couldn't put this one down, but not because it was wonderful. It was like a train wreck and I couldn't look away. It sends awful messages to easily influenced young people, and I felt it was an insult to authors and readers everywhere. I don't even want to display it in my library. I would never recommend this to a child. As a school librarian, I often flick through new books we receive. I couldn't put this one down, but not because it was wonderful. It was like a train wreck and I couldn't look away. It sends awful messages to easily influenced young people, and I felt it was an insult to authors and readers everywhere. I don't even want to display it in my library. I would never recommend this to a child. ...more
Dana Al-Basha |  دانة الباشا
Lele Pons is super funny if her book is anything like her vines I'm going to love it! Adding Melissa de la Cruz's writing and editing is superb, I love her Blue Blood series. Lele's Vines are so engaging, creative and witty, I think her writing will be whimsical and hilarious.

Lele Pons is super funny if her book is anything like her vines I'm going to love it! Adding Melissa de la Cruz's writing and editing is superb, I love her Blue Blood series. Lele's Vines are so engaging, creative and witty, I think her writing will be whimsical and hilarious.

bella ✰
Feb 15, 2018 rated it did not like it
DNF. This book wasn't for me. I couldn't get into the book without thinking about how it was all just a massive brag about how many followers she had been getting. I mean seriously? It doesn't take one day to get 2k followers. I just didn't like the book. And I'm not a Lele Pons fan, so maybe that was also another reason. Sorry if you do support her, but I don't and I couldn't finish this book. DNF. This book wasn't for me. I couldn't get into the book without thinking about how it was all just a massive brag about how many followers she had been getting. I mean seriously? It doesn't take one day to get 2k followers. I just didn't like the book. And I'm not a Lele Pons fan, so maybe that was also another reason. Sorry if you do support her, but I don't and I couldn't finish this book. ...more
Jul 07, 2019 rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: my worst enemy
-5 Stars I deserve an Oscar for attempting to survive this paltry excuse of a book. God.

-5 Stars I deserve an Oscar for attempting to survive this paltry excuse of a book. God.

Jun 28, 2019 rated it did not like it
At its best when Lele is discussing Vine and her approach to being a Vine celebrity, this book is mostly a tedious, self-involved slog. My overall impression is an entire book of that one friend of yours that tells you stories where you immediately think "yeah, that never happened".
Michelle (Bookaholic Banter)
Going into this story I had never heard off Lele Pons, nor Vine for that matter. This is a fictional story of her life through high school. I decided to read this book because it is co-written by author Melissa de la Cruz. Lele Pons is a teenage girl in high school. Not too popular but tries to not let that bother her anyway. She can come off as a bit conceited and full of herself but don't all girls when they are a teenager? Lele tries to play it cool and come across as being confident but she' Going into this story I had never heard off Lele Pons, nor Vine for that matter. This is a fictional story of her life through high school. I decided to read this book because it is co-written by author Melissa de la Cruz. Lele Pons is a teenage girl in high school. Not too popular but tries to not let that bother her anyway. She can come off as a bit conceited and full of herself but don't all girls when they are a teenager? Lele tries to play it cool and come across as being confident but she's just like every other teenage girl-full of self-doubt and insecure. Lele copes with high school life by poking fun at her own problems and posting short videos of it on Vine. Lele gets a high from seeing new followers. She starts out with zero followers, and as the chapters progress you can see the amount of followers progress. Lele has a knack for connecting with others through video. When it comes to real life, however, she can be socially awkward.

This book is full of the usual teenage problems: fitting in, boy crushes, popularity, etc. It is told in a way that is very easy for teenagers to relate to. This will definitely be a HUGE favorite for teenage girls. Brought me back to my awkward days of high school. It was like taking a trip down memory lane. I wouldn't want to be a teenager in today's world. The pressure is high. There is so much more to cope with and worry about with social media. Everyone is watching and judging every second of your life.

The story moved along very smoothly and quickly. It was easy to read and the chapters were broken down just right. They were just the right length. This is one of thise books that you can fly through. It was a fun read. The dialogue was very easy to follow and written in an way that is easy for teenagers to relate to.

I would highly recommend this book to those teenage girls who feel socially awkward and are just trying to find a way to cope with the stress of every day high school life. Lele will put your mind at ease and help you feel more relaxed knowing you are not the only one who has to go through these struggles. It is a fun read to get you through the struggles of every day life and help you feel a bit better about life in general.

Ryan Buckby
May 14, 2016 rated it did not like it
I regret buying this book, I think next time i will really have to read the back of the book before buying it which in this case i didn't look at the back and i just brought it. I'm not sure why it didn't click when i seen 'Lele' the vine star on the cover.

first of all the main character is just plain annoying and i don't think i've ever had that much trouble with a character in my life, I'm trying not to make this sound mean or anything but none of these characters were worth my time.

there is

I regret buying this book, I think next time i will really have to read the back of the book before buying it which in this case i didn't look at the back and i just brought it. I'm not sure why it didn't click when i seen 'Lele' the vine star on the cover.

first of all the main character is just plain annoying and i don't think i've ever had that much trouble with a character in my life, I'm trying not to make this sound mean or anything but none of these characters were worth my time.

there is nothing in this book that could change how bad this was and even having a new york bestselling author didn't help how terrible this book was.

Sep 24, 2019 rated it did not like it
I haven't actually read this but I'm just gonna go ahead & give it a one star review because I've read passages from it & heard people talk about it & oh my god if you give this book anything other than a 1 star then I just feel bad for you. It's so cringe worthy & horribly written & makes no sense. There's no development whatsoever from beginning to end & it's just trash. Like that vine girl behind it. Absolute garbage. Just don't read it, how did this even get 4 stars?! Read something meaningf I haven't actually read this but I'm just gonna go ahead & give it a one star review because I've read passages from it & heard people talk about it & oh my god if you give this book anything other than a 1 star then I just feel bad for you. It's so cringe worthy & horribly written & makes no sense. There's no development whatsoever from beginning to end & it's just trash. Like that vine girl behind it. Absolute garbage. Just don't read it, how did this even get 4 stars?! Read something meaningful people! That's written well, not this chaotic mess! ...more
Sep 27, 2019 rated it did not like it
This book was absolute trash. The dialogue was over the top exaggerated (teenagers don't talk the way she makes them out to be), the main character doesn't develop at all (I actually hate her more at the end of the book than I did at the beginning), and it leaves a terrible message for how kids should act and treat their educational responsibilities. I'm honestly surprised it was that poorly written. I feel bad for any library with this book and apologize to anyone who may read it. Reading this This book was absolute trash. The dialogue was over the top exaggerated (teenagers don't talk the way she makes them out to be), the main character doesn't develop at all (I actually hate her more at the end of the book than I did at the beginning), and it leaves a terrible message for how kids should act and treat their educational responsibilities. I'm honestly surprised it was that poorly written. I feel bad for any library with this book and apologize to anyone who may read it. Reading this was the worst and probably most mentally painful thing I've ever experienced. ...more
Zara Grigorian
Sep 24, 2019 rated it did not like it
this belongs in the trashcan. RIP all the poor trees that were cut for this...
Sep 27, 2019 rated it did not like it
Absolute trash. This book was simply written to fill Lele Pons' ego. The book is nothing about surviving high school, but is about her rise to fame. This book serves as yet another reminder of how many followers she has and there is really no plot to it. There's no character development to it- she is as conceited in the end as she is at start of the book.
This was such a fun book!

I had the chance to promote this book in April (Book Blitz), and ever since then I have wanted to read this book, and I finally had a chance to do so!

At times it was a bit confusing (as I still have no clue what Vine is, or how it works, not because I am ancient, but because I just never have an interest in stuff like that), at times I was frustrated with Lele (especially when she became more and more famous), but mostly I loved and laughed a lot.

Lele, our MC, is just s

This was such a fun book!

I had the chance to promote this book in April (Book Blitz), and ever since then I have wanted to read this book, and I finally had a chance to do so!

At times it was a bit confusing (as I still have no clue what Vine is, or how it works, not because I am ancient, but because I just never have an interest in stuff like that), at times I was frustrated with Lele (especially when she became more and more famous), but mostly I loved and laughed a lot.

Lele, our MC, is just starting a new year at a new school. She is a bit awkward (but then again, who isn't), but she is also a fun, happy character with a very outgoing (and sometimes dramatic) personality. We see how she lives through school, how she tries to make friends, tries to find a place to belong, all the while making funny Vine videos about her life and about all sorts of things. I loved how sweet she was, and how kind. I also laughed so much at how she saw life, and how funny she was. I could just imagine her sitting next to me and telling me her story.
But around halfway, or maybe better, when the fame started to pick up, I was getting a bit annoyed with her. At first it was cute, and I was definitely happy that she was getting more famous (she deserved it as she made hilarious videos with hilarious topics), but on the other hand... she started to not care about school (even more than she normally does), she acted all important, and several other things. I just wanted to smack her to get her back to normal Lele, because that girl was way more fun, and much nicer.
Luckily, later on she gets back to her more normal way of being Lele, and I was delighted that she finally saw the light and didn't go all fame crazy.

I did like Lele parents and how sweet they were together. Though I think they were a bit lax on the whole party thing, and her not studying that much part. Live and let live and let you kid decide on her own is a nice philosophy, but really, you need to put a bit more weight behind things. They did say some stuff, but it just felt like they were reciting some script. An education is an important thing, you never know how long popularity lasts, or how long your videos will make people keep watching. Fame is fleeting.

The Alexei x Lele parts were fun, and cute, though I didn't really see the chemistry that was supposed to be so apparent. If anything I preferred them staying friends. It just felt oh so awkward when stuff started to head to the romantic direction. Plus Lele changed so much, I do hope she won't treat all her boyfriends like this otherwise she is in for a cat lady existence. :|

I loved how the beginning of the chapters had the amount of subscribers, plus a hilarious title on what was going on in the chapter.

Darcy was definitely my favourite character next to Lele. She was so sweet, smart, and fun. And I was amazed at her patience with Lele. :P

What more? Mm, well I just flew through this book and I loved a lot of the book. I laughed, I read quotes aloud to my boyfriend (who in turn laughed, or in case of the airhorn + annoying car owner, was agreeing with it all).

All in all, I would highly recommend this book to everyone. Even if you are like me (no clue who Lele Pons is, or what Vine is) you will love this book.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com

May 05, 2016 rated it really liked it
Entertaining, in a train-wreck kind of way--it's hard to stop reading, even when Lele goes a little (okay, more than a little) bit off the rails. Short, short chapters (a la James Patterson) make it a really fast read. If you're a fan of Lele on Vine, you'll probably really enjoy it. If you've never heard of Vine, you're probably not part of the intended audience.

Lele is a little crazy. a lot insecure, fairly self-involved--in other words, a pretty typical teenager who just happens to make video

Entertaining, in a train-wreck kind of way--it's hard to stop reading, even when Lele goes a little (okay, more than a little) bit off the rails. Short, short chapters (a la James Patterson) make it a really fast read. If you're a fan of Lele on Vine, you'll probably really enjoy it. If you've never heard of Vine, you're probably not part of the intended audience.

Lele is a little crazy. a lot insecure, fairly self-involved--in other words, a pretty typical teenager who just happens to make videos on Vine that strike a chord with people. A LOT of people. This book is a "fictional memoir" of the real Lele Pons--inspired by her life but not her actual story. I liked the chapter titles--at least some of them are titles from her videos, so I suspect they might all be--and the way we can watch her "followers" grow as the story progresses. I appreciated the fact that even though she went to a lot of parties she didn't drink much if at all (as she points out, she already acts drunk while sober--people drink to keep up with her) and when young girls would stop her in the street or at the mall she tried to give them good advice. It's definitely a more positive look at fame than we often see--it's not sugar-coated (see "Partied Out"), but she's also not all about what it can do for her. Not all the time, anyway. I did like when her shoe collection grew from 2 pairs to 15 in a single shopping trip--live the dream!

I don't know how much of the book was Ms. Pons and how much was Ms. de la Cruz, but the result was a fun collaboration. It's definitely not for everyone, but again, if you're a fan, you'll probably get a kick out of it. I'm definitely not part of the target audience, but it did have me laughing out loud more than once, and I can now say that I've watched a half dozen of her videos ("When you leave your crush alone with your mom"--a cautionary tale for the ages.)

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / C+

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

J͙e͙n͙n͙y͙ N͙g͙u͙y͙e͙n͙
I have to say that this book IS AMAZING!!! Do you have a vine account and watch it every single day like me for entertainment? And do you follow LeLe Pons ? (ok, c'mon, she has 10M followers so u must be one of those) If you love her, will you curious to find out about her life story? If the answer is YES, well you will love this book for sure. She wrote a novel with a NY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR! Believe me, if this book is trash, I don't even bother to write this book review right now (because I have to say that this book IS AMAZING!!! Do you have a vine account and watch it every single day like me for entertainment? And do you follow LeLe Pons ? (ok, c'mon, she has 10M followers so u must be one of those) If you love her, will you curious to find out about her life story? If the answer is YES, well you will love this book for sure. She wrote a novel with a NY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR! Believe me, if this book is trash, I don't even bother to write this book review right now (because what's the point?) So I highly recommend this book for you to read, because once you read it, you won't be able to put it down. ...more
Isobel Radakovic
This book was so much fun! I found it hilarious, although quite cringy, which normally I don't like. I already knew of Lele, and I love her vines as I feel she really shows her personality and to be honest this book just felt like a continuation of her vines, despite it being semi-fictional. This is a very current book that would be perfect for today's teenagers, as they would understand everything being said. This book was so much fun! I found it hilarious, although quite cringy, which normally I don't like. I already knew of Lele, and I love her vines as I feel she really shows her personality and to be honest this book just felt like a continuation of her vines, despite it being semi-fictional. This is a very current book that would be perfect for today's teenagers, as they would understand everything being said. ...more
Sarah Diaz
Jun 30, 2016 rated it really liked it
I personally loved this book because I felt as if I'd written it. The author, Lele Pons, is from Venezuela and the same age as me so I related to almost every single thing she wrote. I'm pretty convinced we are actually soul sisters.

I wouldn't say it is insanely well written, it's very colloquial- but in the most fun way. Teenage girls would enjoy this for sure.

I personally loved this book because I felt as if I'd written it. The author, Lele Pons, is from Venezuela and the same age as me so I related to almost every single thing she wrote. I'm pretty convinced we are actually soul sisters.

I wouldn't say it is insanely well written, it's very colloquial- but in the most fun way. Teenage girls would enjoy this for sure.

Jonathan H. LATER

Even more honest, I simply saw the review by Tom Harlock and decided that it was a detailed perfection and that so many people liked it that it was enough for me to make a judgment from the overall understanding of books and my vast expanse collected and read already. I don't have the time to waste on garbage books that are given "free" publication because the writer has some insignificant significant status in social media outlets. Thanks but NO.



Even more honest, I simply saw the review by Tom Harlock and decided that it was a detailed perfection and that so many people liked it that it was enough for me to make a judgment from the overall understanding of books and my vast expanse collected and read already. I don't have the time to waste on garbage books that are given "free" publication because the writer has some insignificant significant status in social media outlets. Thanks but NO.

Additionally, writing a novel (fictional work here) is about characterization and entertainment: so why the hell is the character's name the authors name? Why is the story about the author? Is that not a memoir? This is the reason that people are not reading anymore. Someone might pick this trash up one day, not knowing anything about the author, and realize that fiction novels are complete trash and forever give up because a pretentious Youtuber, fake singer, decided it was a good idea to make money from a platform that is not in their lane.

There are writers struggling to make a living. They strive for a chance from a publishing house. Not just me, but millions of writers. But that chance is past over to these famed entertainers (with an already built audience). I believe Tom Harlock in his review because he speaks in a way that is knowledgeable with acceptable grammar. Otherwise, I would have read this book to form an opinion that is complete. But luckily he shared paragraphs and the main plotline to make this decision of adding as a "read" book on Goodreads.

My final thoughts are, if this author is so good why hasn't she published a book since then??

Surviving High School by Lele Pons is one of the most difficult books I have had to review to date.

The whole story is written by the perspective of Lele. Although Lele Pons is apparently a big internet personality via her astonishing and record breaking success on the Vine platform, I had never heard of her or of the Vine. To make matters worse, we are told that this volume, although closely linked to Lele's rise on the Vine, is not an auto-biography but rather a fictional one, which means that

Surviving High School by Lele Pons is one of the most difficult books I have had to review to date.

The whole story is written by the perspective of Lele. Although Lele Pons is apparently a big internet personality via her astonishing and record breaking success on the Vine platform, I had never heard of her or of the Vine. To make matters worse, we are told that this volume, although closely linked to Lele's rise on the Vine, is not an auto-biography but rather a fictional one, which means that at the end of it all I could not really understand what I had read or why. Was I getting a glimpse into the world of Lele and getting an accurate idea of who she is as a person or was this all fiction? I still do not have an answer to this fundamental question.

This book presents Lele as a 16/17 year-old sensible catholic girl from Venezuela who was made to move to Miami and attend a much larger/cosmopolitan high school in an attempt to broaden her interpersonal skills.
Lele has been brought up by very open and supportive parents who taught her to be herself and embrace her own uniqueness. Her unique traits did remind me of my own situation growing up; I was bright, yet not academic; I was different from my peers; I had difficulties expressing myself verbally; I had a very heightened sense of fairness and justice, and to top it all off I was clumsy. Lele had to develop other ways to express herself, and in particular she learnt to make fun of herself. At the same time she was lucky in that this new social media platform, the Vine, gave her an outlet to express herself.

I also fully understood and smiled at many references to being of Latin origin - the reference to Gasolina and the soap operas cracked me up, even though I am Italian rather than Venezuelan and Lele and I are nowhere near the same age group. By a long shot - seriously, I could literally and amply be her mum!
**A ella le gusta la gasolina. (Dame mas gasolina!) Como le encanta la gasolina (Dame mas gasolina!)**

The writing style is individual and comes across as honest. Yet we are told this is a fictional piece. I just could not figure our what to make of this tome. I kept asking myself what I was actually getting out of it.
Although some bits were entertaining on a very personal level, on many other occasions Lele came across as a rather spoilt child. But then again .... she is meant to be 17, hence it is hardly surprising.

With regard to the title, Surviving High School, this is in no way intended to be an advice manual on HOW to survive high school at all. This is a fictional biographical account of what Lele faced in her first year at a new high school, new found fame and how she coped with it. It is all about her struggles, insecurities (yep, if you have seen Lele you will know that she is gorgeous, yet she did not seem to know that for quite some time) and her own personal growth as a 17 year old girl.

Truthfully I cannot judge Lele or her fictionalised character, as I ended up often empathising with her.

Still the question remains; did I actually get anything from reading this book? I am not sure I did. I often found myself wondering why I was even carrying on when there are so many other stories I wanted to get to.

Would I recommend this book? Probably only to young teenagers, in particular if they are interested in Lele Pons and her Vine clips.
On a personal note, whilst reading Lele's story, I could not help but wonder (if the events do actually reflect reality at all) if she, like me, might be dyspraxic as many of the traits described were absolutely uncanny.

Dear Lele, I wish you all the best, and as you have heard a million times before fame and beauty are fleeting. Cover your own back - it is easier to do so when you are young.

**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs: http://bookbriefs.net**

Surviving High School is a novel co-authored by vine superstar Lele Pons (and don't worry, I had never heard of her either. I am more of a youtube kind of gal.) and author Melissa De La Cruz. Surviving High School is a standalone young adult contemporary comedy. This book cracked me up. It is certainly not a book to take overly seriously. It is very irreverent, but hilarious! I loved all of the pop culture references,

**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs: http://bookbriefs.net**

Surviving High School is a novel co-authored by vine superstar Lele Pons (and don't worry, I had never heard of her either. I am more of a youtube kind of gal.) and author Melissa De La Cruz. Surviving High School is a standalone young adult contemporary comedy. This book cracked me up. It is certainly not a book to take overly seriously. It is very irreverent, but hilarious! I loved all of the pop culture references, and the main character, Lele is a hoot. She is not the most serious or deep individuals ever to grace the halls of high school, but she cracked me up. I am not really sure if this is based at all on Lele's high school experience, and I don't know what to think if it was...even very loosely. Either way, this is a book to read, laugh and not take too seriously. If you do that, I think you will have a good time.

Surviving High School seems to be a very polarizing book for readers. People have either loved it or intensely disliked it. Honestly, I really enjoyed Surviving High School. I took it for what it is... a pop culture filled, irreverent and sarcastic story about a high school girl. It is kooky and wacky, and I get that may not be for everyone, but I think if you are in the mood to read something that will have you giggling away, this is the book for you. If this is not your cup of tea, then this is certainly not the book for you. But I thought it was a fun ride. Lele is a girl that goes insta-famous on the internet, and we get to watch how that rolls over to her "real-life". I loved this concept because in a world of social media stars, this could be a very real reality for some teens. I have no idea whether it would be this extreme for them or not, but it was fun reading, because it didn't seem so far to stretch for me. Sure it was over the top, but that added to the humor for me.

This book reminded me of Mean Girls, like the summary says, and also It's All Your Fault by Paul Rudnick. It has that same kind of hold nothing back, everyone and everything is fair game contemporary humor. It seemed like every sentence had a pop culture reference of some kind. I love stuff like that because I am kind of a pop culture junkie. (my head is full of all kinds of useless pop culture facts.) It kind of made me want to go watch Lele Pons vine video's to see if they are anything like the book, and to see if the Lele from the book is anything like the real life Lele. I would love to know how much of this overlaps with real Lele's life.

Bottom line: if you are looking for a light hearted read that is not serious at all, check out Surviving High School. Pull up your pop culture wikipedia and get ready to laugh.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs

Eleonora Pons Maronese (Aka Lele Pons) is an American/Venezuelan internet celebrity, YouTuber, actress, singer, dancer, model and former host of La Voz... México. Pons came to prominence on Vine before the platform shut down in 2016.

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Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25814205-surviving-high-school

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